Dear Google

Welcome to my first blog post!

Time to celebrate!

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure what is going to happen here or how exactly it will relate to my newsletter. I have a few ideas in development and they are quite varied. Hopefully, they will also be interesting.

Of course, there are hundreds of millions of blogs out there already, so I suspect that this one (for now at least) is just for my wife, my kids, and the Googlebot.

The wife and kids might read it. You never know. 😉


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About Nathan Rogers

I write science fiction and fantasy for both children and adults, but my first publications are fun children’s fantasy adventures called A Song for Old Nel and The Island. I live in New Zealand with my lovely wife, our two feisty kids, a deranged border collie, and a cat. The cat thinks that she is in charge. She is probably right.
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